The role of Societal influence in the development of the creative aspects of the Arts architectural facades "applied to project student participation" Won by Damietta University 2015



Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


It adopts the idea of student participation project to prepare students decoration department
and the College of Applied Arts to revive traditional arts within the province of Damietta,
through influence on society and the environment surrounding the positive dignifying the
values of beauty and deploy graphical messages push forward the public taste for the
residents of the province.
So it was necessary to think about the revival of traditional arts through a critical and which
represents a strategic importance on its sites, namely the Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta
That's why the idea of the project was to choose a research topic here: Project Title:
"Developing the interface of the faculty of Applied Arts (the fence and the gate of the main
Hence the search comes to emphasize the role of art in improving taste and conscience of
the audience recipients and therefore had to be concerned with search lists and display
aspects influencing societal experience in the preparation and implementation of the project
student participation of the College of Applied Arts.
Confined to the research problem in the lack of a mechanism to measure the return on
societal influence in the development of the creative aspects of the design of architectural
facades of some of the important strategic location sites.
Determined aspects of this research steps in the design and implementation of the wall and
the gate of the College of Applied Arts through the design of coatings and design arts
architectural facades decision under implementation of student participation project Bah,
who won the overall in 2015.
The research aims to shed light on the societal role of influence in the development of the
creative aspects of interface design and the College of Applied Arts. (Applied in the project
of student participation - Damietta University).
The most important research student’s rehabilitation of decoration department and the
College of Applied Arts to revive the heritage within the province of Damietta and the arts
to emphasize the role of art in improving taste and conscience to the public the results of
recipients also pursuing research experimental method.


* خطة المشروع البحثیة من اعداد / د نهلة محمد
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