The importance of architectural spaces and their role in enriching the visual fabric of Egyptian societ



Higher Institute of Applied Arts, Cairo Academy of Sciences and Arts, Fifth Avenue


one who concerns with art and the current art status in Egypt observes that we have to
take action against this bathos and neglect spreading in our society overshadowed our
heritage and our ancient civilizations.
In previous era in Egypt, we had many types of civilizations and original styles of art
resulted from high standards creative artists. We have a lot of artistic tools artists made use
of them in many fields. Art is the shortest way to reach hearts and minds ,whatever a normal
person sees around at home, facades and roads
establishes the general art style pushing people towards advanced nations, designers should
take care of our heritage as what Hassan Fathi did, he was interested in sustainability in his
designs using materials matching with environment, caring of architectural façade design
showing the importance of space in enriching visual fabric in society assuring spirit of
beauty and urbanization of our heritage.
Caring about the space bloc in streets and buildings and sustainability in architectural
facades and squares.
This research issue is summarized in showing and clarifying the role of architectural spaces
affecting society members, and how they live considering space bloc in streets and buildings
also sustainability and its role in maintaining the environment. Architectural spaces play a
very important role in visual fabric showing the importance of sustainability in designing.

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