Analytical study of the Minimalism (Reductionism) Concept in Design



Higher Institute of Engineering, Academyalshuruq faculty of Applied ArtsDamietta University


The current era reflects the control of economy on various aspects of life, especially
technical rivally and competition. Careful study of history reflects issues that faced the
community and technical challenges that lead to the rise of different schools and interactions
with the community.
Throwing light on the new era of Minimalisation, which is considered by some as a new
religion in designing, which emerged after the world war and industrial revolutions? It is
one of the most important factors of innovation that pays more attention to the functional
aspects of the product and its interaction with societies and different environments.
Different communities and societies are now becoming a small village and this affects the
direction of minimalisation. It also affects products in various ways, such as, function,
color, material and methods of production. This leads to different new ideas that are worth
studding and analyzing.
The speed of development and The race of technological advancement and lead designers to
think outside the box to keep up, which is clear in new designs to minimal time, raw
material and method of production. Minimalism as a new direction pushed designers to
research new materials, such as, nano technology, lasers, ergonomics and the rise of new
renewable clean energy resources. All this, in addition to the Japanese theory of space
designing enforced the new era of minimalism on every aspect of design.
Minimalism has no rules, it depends on innovative thinking, this ultimately left out the
Egyptian community because it depends more on following foreign designs, than actually
creating a design that can compete in the race, here lies the real problem


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