The benefits of Ergonomic Checkpoints & Checklist in Public-Stations design



Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University  


Ergonomics introduces as an essential input to increase design efficiency in the design of public stations through the adjusting and rationed of knowledge, in particular with regard to the study of physical activity in a relationship of (user / product / Environment), which is one of the important influences in the design of any product especially public stations, where its design is interested in scientific study of the relations between individuals and the function of public stations.
So we are going towards the ergonomic checkpoints & checklist which put for the purpose of rationing the ergonomics mechanisms auditing and to adjust the compatibility of design elements with ergonomics criteria as a regulatory effort reducing exposure to the risks during the use of public stations or while performing different tasks.
The research problem lies in how to activate the benefit from the verification ergonomic checkpoints & checklist in the design of public stations for the purpose of verifying the validity of the design decisions from the ergonomic checkpoints & checklist point of view.
The research aims to take advantage of the ergonomic checkpoints & checklist in design of public stations by placing a checklist for the design and construction of public stations.
The research concluded to place a checklist for the design and construction of public stations to take advantage of the checkpoint in order to ensure efficient performance and functional compatibility, which is achieved by the successful ergonomics design. By using ergonomics checklists as a reference to evaluate how to use the public stations and the compatibility with the ergonomics criteria. The researcher was based on ergonomics checkpoints "Safety - ergonomics dimensions - reliability."

Main Subjects

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المجلد الرابع - العدد الثالث – یولیو 2017
Journal of Applied Art and Science - International Periodical Scientific Peer Reviewed - Issued By Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta Univ. - Egypt
(ISSN 2537-1061) (Print)
(ISSN 2537-107X) (Online)
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