impact of sustainability and advanced technology in interior design and furniture for temporary installations



Faculty of Applied Arts - October 6 University  


Since of reaching the information age and the digital revolution we are living in an age fundamental shift in different life patterns, which included political, social and economic aspects, where the interior design for temporary installations (residential, administrative or tourist ..) is an integral part of the behavior of life and its patterns to face with problems such as slums and the other part , The design of the temporary installations has been affected of these scientific and technological transformations and intellectually creative and be productive in order to achieve integration and compatibility with everything that surrounds the human being functionally responsive and interact with environmental requirements and humanity and the design of both the indirect formal or direct formal, To activate that, it have been identified on how the most important determinants of the design for temporary installations and thought the design, which was founded as a result of spaces specific and narrow, and has been put forward a new vision of communication between the internal vacuum for temporary installations and ecological well-developed technology through the study of the development of the concept of form and vacuum, and function in vacuum temporary installations, To activate that vision, the researcher provide a range of ideas to deal with the elements of internal vacuums temporary facilities, including recycling, where was reached that the internal vacuum for temporary facilities design does not depend on traditional methods of design in terms of aesthetics ratios and function, but it depends on his determination to the merger of science and technology age Cyber to ensure optimum utilization of the narrow space and achieve better internal vacuum achieve well-being and comfort of the temporary user established and sustainability of environmental resources.


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21. / 11 / 10/mitchell-joachim-dont-build-your-home-grow- -Exploring parametric modeling, BIM and Design Technology for new forms 23. - Design - Optimization - Fabrication D-O-F 24. -the analysis of design 25. - open design research platform 26. -soft/rigid behavior in architecture