Interior design and technology of visible virtual reality



The Higher Institute for Applied Arts, Fifth Settlement


There is no doubt that the tremendous technological developments, especially those that are related to computer technology in the field of software technology caused a scientific revolution influenced the evolution of  interior design, and have had an active role in changing the intellectual and design concepts for internal space in various fields. With the technical development in the field of virtual reality and simulations it became possible to create a virtual environment in the interior space through delude appointed receiver by existence three-dimensional surfaces virtually non-existent and intangible physically configured in a space using sophisticated techniques Here lies the problem of the research in how to create virtual spaces? And what are the designing process components in virtual reality? So research aims to shed light on the technology of three-dimensions using lasers and known as the (Hologram) and study the possibility of investing them and apply them in the field of interior design through reformulation of the interior space, according to the requirements of the virtual environment which surrounds the user and interacts with his senses and enter him the world of imaginary which seems like a realistic world. It has become easy to implement a digital hologram image give us a sense of three-dimensional art dynamically changing with the time factor. And thus the interior designer can change the design of his ideas from time to time and displayed in a space as a modern technological ways of the determinants of interior space. Here, the designer can create a state of constant renewal and creativity of the interior space, which does not get bored by the receiver for his functional needs of them. The research finds and offers a future vision for virtual reality applications in each of the, museums, libraries and shopping centers…etc.


- الأبحاث العلمیة :
1. طلال ناظم الزهیری ، تطبیقات تکنولوجیا Hologram وأوجه إستثمارها فی مجال عمل المکتبات ، الجامعة     المستنصریة ، بغداد، العراق ، 2014 م .  
2. میاده فهمی حسین ، "التصمیم الداخلی والوسائط التکنولوجیة الحدیثة باستخدام الصورة الرقمیة"، المجلة    العربیة الدولیة للمعلوماتیة، المجلد الأول، العدد الأول، 2012 م . 
- الرسائل العلمیة :
3.بکرى الهادى ، "جمالیات الفنون الرقمیة – دراسة تحلیلة للواقع الإفتراضی وأسالیب الإخراج الفنى" ، جامعة السودان للعلوم والتکنولوجیا – کلیة الفنون الجمیلة والتطبیقیة –کلیة الدراسات العلیا- 2014 م.
4. شیماء حمدى حلمى عطیة ، اللون الرقمى والضوء فى التصمیم الداخلى لفراغ العرض التفاعلى ، رسالة ماجستیر ،  کلیة الفنون الجمیلة ، قسم الدیکور ، جامعة الاسکندریة ، 2012م . 
5. محمد حسن خلیل أحمد ، " تأثیر تکنولوجیا المعلومات على تطور الفکر المعمارى" ، کلیة الهندسة ، قسم العمارة ، جامعة الأزهر ، 2011 م.  
- المراجع الأجنبیة :
 6.Virtual Reality Technology. Hirose, Michitaka. The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2006.
- المواقع الإلکترونیة :(15 ینایر 2017)