Employing the Art of Optical Illusion in Designing Garments' Accessories for Treating Some Body Defects


Lecturer at the Faculty of Education - Department of Home Economics - Banha University


Fashion design is influenced -like other Arts– by various art trends, therefore, it has been developed to have scientific technical studies and specialized experts with new criteria, to agree with the design concept of the new artistic concepts adopted in the modern schools.
The optical illusion school plays an important role in designing garments. It is dealing with defects in women’s body -resulted from various factors- to create impressions of less weight, taller, or decreasing the appearance of some fatty or slim body parts. This is due to the characteristics that distinguish this school.
Ten designs are created for university female students garments' accessories to help in hiding the imperfections of the upper part of the body. The accessories have a significant impact on the showing the beauty and elegance of the garment. This has been done through studying the main characteristics of the optical illusion art, and clearing up the importance of the optical illusion role in hiding the body defects.
The study concluded that the suggested designs -utilizing the optical illusion art to produce clothing accessories hiding the body defects– is achieving a degree of satisfaction and success. The averages of the specialist's evaluations of three zones: the structural design, the decorative design and the functional performance, supported that.
The results show that the moral significance of the optical illusion role in the implemented designs, as the value of F was (10.242). Referring to presence the moral significance and lack of moral significance in axes, as the value of F was (0.054), which is a moral insignificance