The impact of contemporary painting on the Artistic variables on medal design


Associate professor at the department of metal products and jewelry Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


Designing medal and contemporary painting art have same artistic, philosophical and social perspectives. Medal design procedures should take into consideration in structural and temporal cohabitation which interfere procedurally with the basis of development in designing. Although medal designing and painting have many concepts which are confirmed by the recent study, there are other inputs result from sculptural techniques ]senior modulation[ intellectual criteria as symbol connotations and some structural methods for many artistic, realistic, cubism, abstract and expressionism schools. By using all these criteria we can reach some creative values within the scope of medal designing. Consequently, the study confirms all these criteria to find some designing ideas and apply them technically in designing medal by artistic inspiration of some painting works]for the artist Kandinsky[ as a creative content for organic abstract, Due to the previous study that study have tried to emphases the design criteria through submit some innovative design ideas and applied it as a medal that it have been inspirited from contemporary painting specially from Kandinsky works as a creative signification to organic abstract that emphases the study aims