Tanura dance as a source of designing modern textile suspensions using computer



Higher Institute of Applied Arts, 6th of October City


The designer is always looking for new sources of value for the design of the beauty of form is combined with the meaning and value and content associated with the form, which is available in the folk art elements in general because of their link to the customs, traditions and belief Egyptian artist so it was necessary to find new elements and subjects did not consume the work designs carrying value technical, meaning at the same time
And since the popular arts honest mirror of society in which they live. It reflects the ideas of this or that society and culture, including a whale of beliefs and traditions and habits and characteristic of his material and spiritual aspects. And the bottom line is it the outcome of the interaction of all these forces and factors combined, formulated in the enjoyment of the senses and stir the heart templates, fed beliefs, and stronger hearts and refine all the humanitarian aspects
There are many attempts in the world has developed technical and applied methods for woven studio and came out of the scope of the focus on design worthwhile textile and applied methods to get the aesthetic effects of engineering such as assigned or triangle or circle or oval shape or stereo, and became a commentator design shows through shape, color, texture and effects of multiple layers of woven and diversity of spaces, as well as through various ores.
The use of style hand tuft and is one of the methods used in pendants and furniture floor, has spread its use is clearly in recent times and is in fact considered a style embroidery rather than textile style, because it needs to be a certain quality of fabric to the fabric of the floor is added lanugo to the surface, until we get on the carpet required, the surface lanugo be configured via a special tool called the pistol is threaded inserts own Baleuprh inside surface of the ground fabric.

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