The evolution of the concept of interior design in the modern era



Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


Interior design is the sum of all procedures performed by the designer to influence his environment through forming and formulating how the interior space comes out in a way that meets the needs of the users, and provides them with comfort, safety, and suitability to their requirements.
Although the field of interior design is very old, it is practiced now in a completely different concept. It was mainly related to simple forms of house embellishment.
Years ago, it was called "Interior decoration". This term was replaced by a more descriptive and inclusive term which is "Interior Design". In some European countries where the specialization is well established, it is now known as "Interior Architecture".
The guidebook of Brighton University clarifies that interior design is a very important specialty that connects graphic ideas in a private design and every way to reach real material. It is a description of how current places are transformed and centered in order to become more useful to the person. It represents the material, elements, form and content.
It is the backbone of this specialty, a reference to the type of consistency and integration between the Interior Design and the Architectural Deign where the architect and the interior design work together.
The Interior design study space and setting solutions and perceptions in order to use this space in the best possible way to perform its function in a complete and objective way. According to standards that consider the nature of the vacuum, its geometric shape, its function, its climate, and the factors influencing the design of the space to be filled. It also takes into consideration the desires, tendencies, culture and identity of the place's occupants not the designers'. That confirms the importance of objectivity and neutrality of the Interior Designer.
These elements are considered the most important regulations in interior designing. Moreover, the interior designer should be aware and perceptive of all standards and factors and the foundation of the interior design anywhere. He should also be familiar to the architectural components in all details especially the interior ones; such as raw materials and various modern materials that fulfills the requirements of the modern era.

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