Ergonomics of Interactive Ambient Advertising Design



faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University


In view of modern daily life, a great deal of time is spent either at streets, waiting at traffic lights, moving from one place to another, going to work or on a picnic whether driving private cars, on public transportation or on foot. Thus, contemporary advertising face an enormous challenge amid a mass extremely busy and surrounded with advertisements everywhere. Consequently, Ambient Advertising, espcially, the interactive type, comes as an exiting to draw attention of masses. This advetising technique, which depends on surprise, opens the door for advertisment designers to assess available alternatives, determine proper materials and combine between 2D and 3D shapes come up with advertisments appropriate to capabilities of recipients. Modern technology contributed to raising level of innovation and creativity concering advertisment designing, thus, creating a new eara of advertising.
The explosion of advertising means worldwide and fierce competition amid high prices of print and virtual advertising means pushed designers to search for untraditional means along with the already existing traditional means with market segmentation to accurately reach target customers.
This is achieved through studying behavior and mental, emotional and pyschological capbilities of recipients together with studying their needs, emotional reactions, motivations, environment, culture and interactive human capabilities and other characteristics of Ergonomics to achieve best interaction so an advertisemnt successes in delivering its message to the target masses.
Thus, the research focuses on shedding light on studying Ergonomics of Interactive Ambient Advertising Design in a manner that achieves highest quality of interaction, excitement and positive effect on recipients. In addition, the research deals with making use of the surrounded environment that helps a designer creates ideas for designing interactive ambient advertisements

المراجع العربیة :
1 عبیر حسن عبده الإعلان البیئی کأحد الاتجاهات - -
الحدیثة فی تصمیم الإعلان مؤتمر فنون تطبیقیة -
الثانی دمیاط - - 2011
ثانیا : المراجع الأجنبیة :
2- Esther Thorson, Margaret Duffy, Advertising Age, the principles of Advertising and marketing communication at work, south-western, gengage learning,2012, unitedstates of America.
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4- Guny turkel, The situation of guerrilla advertising in turkey, izmir university of economics, faculty of fine arts and design department of visual communication design, spring 2009
5- Marcelo Soares and Francisco Rebelo - Advances in Ergonomics In Design, Usability & Special Populations - Part III - Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper- Published by AHFE Conference © 2014
6- Martin Helander Nanyang - A Guide to Human Factors and Ergonomics - Technological University Singapore -Taylor & Francis Group Boca Raton London New York A CRC title, part of the Taylor & Francis imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group, the academic division of T&F Informa plc.- Second Edition - Published in 2006.
7- Sandra Luxton-What is this Thing Colled Ambientd Advertising – Published Iecture – Monash university – 2000.
8- Pat Scott, Kazutaka Kogi and Barbara McPhee : ERGONOMICS GUIDELINES FOR OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PRACTICE IN INDUSTRIALLY DEVELOPING COUNTRIESInternational Ergonomics Association (IEA) http :// International Commission on Occupational Health http: //www .icohweb .org - August 2009 .
ثالثا : مواقع الانترنت :
9 - 20/how-one-tv-show-inspired-a-new-generation-of-crime-fighters/
10 - ambient /eggs
11- volkswagen -fun- theory-piano-staircase/17522 12-http://adsoftheworld .com/media/ambient/feed_sa_trolley
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13- /ambient/nh-hotels-headrests-8946505/
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21- /guerrilla-viral/page/20/
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