The Role of Continued Internal Design and Smart Living Space to Decrease the Effects of Power Outage in Internal Living Space in EGYPT


Lecturer, Department of Interior Design / College of Applied Arts / October 6 University


There is no doubt that the energy crisis that Egypt is currently suffering from has cast a shadow over many vital sectors,
On top of it is the electricity sector, which directly affects the lives of Egyptians, and negatively affects their daily lives, especially
Within the spaces they inhabit, whether residential, commercial or administrative, the phenomenon of frequent blackouts has become clear
Electricity negatively affects the livelihood of Egyptians, and forces them to change their lifestyle in a short way, given
The dependence of internal spaces on electricity mainly, whether in lighting or in the operation of many vital devices that do not
It is dispensed with internal space, and is not equal to life, such as air conditioners and others.
Since the role of the interior designer is fundamentally to create an ideal environment for the inhabitants of the interior space, a course emerges in an attempt
Using its design and technical tools to reduce the effects of this phenomenon on the inhabitants of the interior space as much as possible, especially since it is
It is expected (according to government reports) that this crisis will continue for several years to come.
There is no doubt that saving electricity consumption in the interior space is at the same time a protection for the environment in which we live, and since
Environmental protection is a global trend that all countries are now seeking, so the beginning of thinking should be through environmentally friendly buildings