Interactive furniture between theory and application


1 Instructor in the Department of Interior Design and Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Researcher in the Department of Interior Design and Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The digital revolution caused a huge leap in human life, and brought many changes at all
levels, which resulted in a boom in the furniture industry, so "interactive furniture" was found
as a result of clear development in the field of computer technology and the integral
relationship between individuals and electronic devices, which are continually evolving, and
the need to keep up with global developments in the furniture industry and keep up with
Interactive furniture is the most advance in furniture field, because the pieces of
interactive furniture that can understand the needs and requirements of users of its own and
thus the ability to take reactions depending on this, and thus allow more natural interaction
between furniture and users, and interactive furniture can achieve different functions
according to the need of users using intelligent systems and modern technology. The research
has dealt with the analysis of some of applied examples of interactive furniture and how they
work, and the importance of that in the creation of new ideas in the furniture industry and
creates a designing and technical variety.

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