Recent trends in Design and its Role in Reducing the Environmental Solid Wastes Produced of Products Usage


1 Lecturer, Department of Industrial Design, College of Art and Design / Pharos University

2 Lecturer at the Higher Institute of Engineering, Department of Medical Engineering / Al-Shorouk Academy


This research entitled "Recent trends in design and its role in reducing the environmental
wastes." deals with some of what appeared on the area of recent design trends which
changed and added to the design form as a result of technological development. This effects
on the design and its results.
As a result of the variety of designs and products that meet the human needs, these products
have a negative effect on the environment due to its accumulation in large quantities after the
end of the hypothetical life as wastes which pollute the environment. So, the designers try to
find solutions of this problem by putting ideas to determine how they can benefit from these
wastes and use it in designing new products reduce the environmental wastes.
So, the research problem is summarized in determining how to employ recent design trends
to reduce environmental wastes. And the research aimed to reach to the role of the recent
design trends in reducing environmental wastes. To achieve this goal the search use deductive
approach through the presentation of the concepts of design, design trends and environmental
waste types to deduce how to employ recent design trends in reducing environmental wastes.


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