Historical Study of the Jacket Development Stages and Possibility of its Development using Innovative PrintedDesigns


Instructor at the Department of Fashion / Higher Institute of Applied Arts / 6th of October


Designer ideas comes from many sources deemed headwaters of inspiration, these
surrounding sources provide him with innovative designs.Sometimes the designer takes
something small from the source in its design, and sometimes takes the exterior, according to
suggest that gives him the source at that moment, and passes the designer in these moments
inspiration and imagination.
The historic uniform is one of the most important factors affecting the fashion
designing, and it is an important source of inspiration to the contemporary fashion
designers.We cannot lose sight of the treasure its innovative designs, and without reference to
these treasures, how can we know what is authentic? Often inspired designers Global today
exterior of their designs and interior lines uniform designs implemented throughout the ages,
because the designer to these references from history books and museums, not all historical
periods equal in fertility sources to create new designs, but there are innovator designers who
does not find in the old idea which inspired his designs, so they invent it.
This research addressed the following items:
1. Study of historical fashion, especially the jacket trousers.
2. Development of the design of the jacket trousers through the work of Italian artist
3. The practical side of the jacket printed designs, implemented.


المراجع العربیة:
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