Developing the Design Process Management and Total Assessment Methods of Graduation Projects in Faculty of Applied Arts (Application on Ras Elbar Panorama and Faculty Main Hall Murals


1 Professor at the Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

2 Teacher of the Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


The mural arts associated with the external façades is one of the most important factors affecting the formation and direction of taste in society
Often they aim to emphasize aspects of heritage, expressive narration, or record a specific situation, and at other times it is
Color relationships and sculptural values ​​combined with textures and colors, hence the role of the Faculties of Applied Arts in how an audience can taste
Recipients are arts that affect their taste and their cultural and artistic identity - hence the research aims to emphasize the role of art in upgrading taste
And the sentiments of the audience of recipients, and therefore the research should have been concerned with developing a methodology and a roadmap for teaching design, which is associated with
Application, which is the philosophy confirmed by the Faculties of Applied Arts in Egypt.


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