The role of marketing research and market research in the development of new ideas for designers


1 He studied at the Higher Institute of Engineering, El Shorouk Academy

2 Instructor, Department of Industrial Design College of Art and Design - Fars University


Journal of Applied Art and Science - International Periodical Scientific Peer Reviewed - Issued By Faculty of Applied Arts - DamiettaUniv. - Egypt
The field of design is considered one of the most important areas that aim to meet the needs and
desires of human by designing products and services to meet these needs and desire. It is the
responsibility of the designer to put the design ideas to these products and services and searching
for the sources of these new ideas. Marketing and market researches within the various
institutions and companies are important sources where new ideas could be obtained, so briefly
the research’s problem is in determining how to get new ideas for designers through marketing
research and market research ,thereby the research aims to reach a form of relationship that
defines the role of marketing research and market research to get new ideas for designers and to
reach this goal it used the analytical method by showing the concept of design and product
development, sources of ideas, marketing research and market research in order to gain access to
the form of the relationship between marketing research and market research and get new ideas
for designers. The most important findings of the search results is that the areas of marketing and
market research fields are of the most important sources obtained considering new ideas for
designers, and ensured the need for designers to study and analyze marketing research and
market research.


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