Role of the industrial designer in the activation of environmental technologies and achieve competitive advantage of industrial products.


Lecturer, Department of Industrial Design - Higher Institute of Applied Arts (Academy of Art and Design), 6th of October.


Journal of Applied Art and Science - International Periodical Scientific Peer Reviewed - Issued By Faculty of Applied Arts - DamiettaUniv. - Egypt
The pivotal idea around the presented research is environmental technologies Which are
defined as techniques that do not threaten the environment when they use, they are mostly
clean alternative energies, Technology is constantly evolving, and rapidly, Although they
invaded the various fields of life and contributed to human well-being, however, have some
negative effects that need to be remedied, and be controlled, Since the middle of last
century, industrial activities result in serious environmental problems such as global
warming, depletion of the ozone layer, the scarcity of natural resources, and environmental
pollution of various kinds .. etc, It is expected that these problems are getting worse in the
coming years when the world's population will double, and increasing needs, so it is an
urgent need to search for new techniques to prevent catastrophic environmental degradation,
and ensure continued economic growth, This will only be achieved through industrial
designer by putting programs and operational plans and taking into account the
environmental dimension, and environmental considerations in the design of products in socalled
design for the environment and sustainability, The importance of research in the
detection of the importance of industrial design and its role in upgrading production through
activation of environmental technologies and achieve competitive advantage of industrial

أولا : المراجع العربیة :
1(- الکتب : (
-1/1 احمد عبد الرحمن النجدی،ومنصور احمد عبد
المنعم )د.( ،و آخرون : الدراسات الاجتماعیة
،ومواجهة قضایا البیئة، الجزء الأول، دار القاهرة،
عام 2002
-2/1 محمود حلمیحجازی)د.( : ایکولوجی، مطابع
. جامعة حلوان عام 2003
2(- الرسائل العلمیة: (
-1/2 أسامة یوسف محمد :اعتبارات التصمیم الصناعی
لحمایة البیئة من التلوث وتطبیقها فی إحدى
المنتجات المنزلیة رسالة ماجستیر غیر منشورة،
Journal of Applied Art and Science - International Periodical Scientific Peer Reviewed - Issued By Faculty of Applied Arts - DamiettaUniv. - Egypt
قسم التصمیم الصناعی ، کلیة الفنون التطبیقیة ،
. جامعة حلوان ، عام 2002
ثانیا : المراجع الأجنبیة :
1-Dorothy Macken - zie : green design.
laurence king, second edition,1997
ثالثا : مواقع شب الانترنت :
1- ao-
2-http;//www. ar.wikipedia/wiki/