The Concept Of Alienation In The Design Of Glass Architecture Digital


Lecturer, Department of Glass, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Egypt


Produced a digital revolution and globalization ideology and philosophy of what is now digital digital
forms which are widely had spread in various fields can also clarify the thought of the inclusion and the
philosophy of digital formats within the concept of theories Alczyklah modern and responsive with
Mguenziat this day and age with all its trends and theories of renewable indicate forms (digital
architecture to computer-based operations for the purpose of organizing events shape and mobility
procedures in virtual reality closer to the natural reality of the designer tested for the purpose of
developing and events modifications.
No longer the building under the digital architecture just unusual structure such as what was confirmed by
conventional Altcuat but become take living flesh Body with life A through vision structure with dynamic
Dynamic Structure, and these radical transformations associated with digital technology evolution where
this technology has entered the late nineties and became a tool for effective age , architecture has been
very impressed with this development and has become a generation of digitally architectural form SMH
era, giving the architecture liquidity and softness and a sense of movement and emerged Achteral values
Alansayna in digital architecture models, due to the evolution of architecture of post-modernism to the
deconstruction phase, which was the beginning of the phenomenon of alienation in architecture has
observed the existence of similarities between its present building forms in software architecture and
disassembly in terms of:
A consensus on how to deal with the form and submit it seems that in which abstract.
Some agree with the mechanics and vocabulary building disassembly with some mechanics digital
software costumed in the production of architectural form such classes Layering technique and the use of
networking Grid forms Skewing.
Where it seems deconstruction in architecture like submit him to the Westernization of architectural
theme as a mechanism combining forms of alienation in architectural ideas loose and go to keep the
architectural thought hanging in the sign of the present expatriates due to separation from any reference
tag legs or human from outside, the expatriate Automatically by Tmahorh about the same formalism of
his connections do not refer to the other, the mechanism is a mechanism (delay and suspension of
significance), which launches strong Kinetic Dynamic forces and targeting system architecture and its
transformation toward what is moving Dynamism, hence the problem identified in the research: -
• the lack of a clear vision of the impact of alienation in the design of glass architecture Digital
The aim of the research: -
• reaching a study of the concept of alienation and its impact on the design of glass architecture Digital

-1 عبد الله ابراهیم، مدخل الی المناهج التغذیة الحدیثة
. بیروت المرکز الثقافی العربی – 1990
-2 نوار سامی مهدی، الاغتراب والموضوع المعماری
دراسة فی العلاقة بین التفکیک والعمارة الرقمیة، رسالة
دکتوراة، کلیة الهندسة، جامعه القاهرة، 2009
3- Architectural design :contem porary
processes in architecture, June 2000
Journal of Applied Art and Science - International Periodical Scientific Peer Reviewed - Issued By Faculty of Applied Arts - DamiettaUniv. - Egypt
-1 عبد الله ابراهیم، مدخل الی المناهج التغذیة الحدیثة
. بیروت المرکز الثقافی العربی – 1990
-2 نوار سامی مهدی، الاغتراب والموضوع المعماری
دراسة فی العلاقة بین التفکیک والعمارة الرقمیة، رسالة
دکتوراة، کلیة الهندسة، جامعه القاهرة، 2009
3- Architectural design :contem porary
processes in architecture, June 2000
Journal of Applied Art and Science - International Periodical Scientific Peer Reviewed - Issued By Faculty of Applied Arts - DamiettaUniv. - Egypt