Using the Colored Glass Waste to Design and Produce Local Glass Jewelry


Assistant Professor, Department of Glass, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University.


The research tends to make use of the loss of colored glass blocks resulting from the decay of glass melting furnaces in designing
And the production of glass jewelry by cutting, polishing and smoothing the blocks, then installing them with metal, which becomes an economical alternative and can be used
As a project for small glass industries, it can also be implemented technologically by the technique of thermally reshaping the glass by placing
Various and innovative design ideas for glass jewelery, recycle and then employ the lost colored glass blocks for the local environment and then achieve
Economic return on the designer and society, and from the types of glass used (transparent tinted - opaque tinted - semitransparent tinted - colored)
Mashbah) and the sources for obtaining it may be from “small production workshops, private production units (ateliers), centers.
And specialized educational institutions, "or the natural environment.
The research problem is represented by the need to maximize the benefit from the loss of colored glass blocks resulting from the overhaul of glass melting furnaces
It does not dissolve like organic matter or evaporate like some chemicals, which may lose the environment its natural balance, so the solution to this has been considered
The problem with this research is by recycling colored glass blocks, especially those that have a distinct aesthetic form
In designing and producing glass jewelery locally.
The need to open new areas for small industries, as they are projects of a technical nature, thus achieving exclusivity, distinction and ability
To compete
The research tends to make use of the loss of colored glass blocks resulting from the decay of glass melting furnaces in designing
And the production of glass jewelry by cutting, polishing and smoothing the blocks, then installing them with metal, which becomes an economical alternative and can be used
As a small glass industry project, it can also be implemented technologically by the technique of thermally reshaping glass by placing
Various and innovative design ideas for glass jewelery, recycle and then employ the lost colored glass blocks for the local environment and then achieve
Economic return on the designer and society, and from the types of glass used (transparent tinted - opaque tinted - semitransparent tinted - colored)
Mashbah) and the sources for obtaining it may be from “small production workshops, private production units (ateliers), centers.
And specialized educational institutions, "or the natural environment.
The research problem is represented by the need to maximize the benefit from the loss of colored glass blocks resulting from the overhaul of glass melting furnaces
It does not dissolve like organic matter or evaporate like some chemicals, which may lose the environment its natural balance, so the solution to this has been considered
The problem with this research is by recycling colored glass blocks, especially those that have a distinct aesthetic form
In designing and producing glass jewelery locally.
The need to open new areas for small industries, as they are projects of a technical nature, thus achieving exclusivity, distinction and ability
To compete

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