The Effectiveness of Modern Building Technology for the Evolution of Architectural Formation During the Second Half of the Twentieth Century


Lecturer of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University.


Technological development of construction systems and modern building materials has led
to sculptural values of architecture through aesthetic creations of architectural formation
during the second half of the twentieth century. These developments imposed on the
buildings of the living man and the environment associated with his past and his future, the
symbolic and expressive beauty and plastic architectural coverage chanting and singing for
life, to resist the misery and death. Facades of Buildings moved not only visually, but in a
real dynamic architecture supplementing his architectural heritage and past achievements
.Achievements which we cannot deny the intellectual and constructional benefits added to
architectural heritage by hands of the creative architects, sculptors and skilled technicians in
preparation for our aspired to future,
1- Research Problem: What is the extent architectural formation of the technological
development of the systems and take advantage of modern building materials.
2- Research Objectives: Take advantage of the role of modern technology for creativity in
architectural formation in the future.
3-Research hypotheses: There is a relationship between technology and design led to the
visual creativity of architectural schools and philosophical trends of architectural formation.
4- Research Methodology: Historical approach and descriptive analytical method.
5- Research limits: The impact of technological development of construction systems and
building materials on the architectural formation in terms of architectural schools
6- The Components of Research
A- Construction systems and modern building materials.
B- Architectural schools and philosophical trends of architectural formation.
7-Resultes of Search
Monitoring and analysis of some of the achievements of architectural formation.


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مجلة البناء العربی العدد 31 ص 38 ،القاهرة 2008