Dramatic Effects of Light and Shadow and its Applications in the Poster


Lecturer, Department of Graphic and Advertising Arts, Higher Institute of Applied Arts


Colors overlapping and harmony are tools of shadow and light effects in advertizing
poster. In the present paper we discussed shadow and light definition, sources, color
characteristics (meaning, tone, and luminance). Types of imaging, toning, flat texture, the
definition of drama and history, originated, radio, simulation Imitation, verb, Nabil Gad, Tam,
and sees "Aristotle" to have this event Daye center, a known length, language ornate with all
kinds of amendments, which include the language on the rhythm and melody and songs, unit
event, said, "Aristotle" to the two types of event, simple, compound, and the unit of time, the
unity of place, stir compassion and fear, dramatic structure, dramatist dramatic text: Dramatic
Text, theatrical text displayed Performance Text, dramatic structure elements, dramatic event,
simulation, tragic hero, event, simple patterns, compound
Conflict, grades, stagnant conflict, sequenced happens, rising, steep. The dialogue, the
concept of advertising "exaggeration", "pun", "Sarcasm", "silliness", "surprise", and
"Comparison". The diagnosis, the concept of advertising, attract attention, generate interest,
create desire, persuasion, make a response, installation memory definition of the science of
semantics, its subject, linguistics , symbols, vocabulary, semantics, dictionaries, semantic and
unit types meanings, compound or compound expression, the types of basic meaning or
conceptual additional or secondary psychological my style, suggestive, curriculum Alterably,
Greeks, West, steps stage Note phenomena or conduct experiments, the development of
scientific hypotheses, experimental investigation and assumptions. Then five experimental
posters representing the dramatic effects of shadow and light were illustrated and discussed.


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