Ibrahim Massouda & L'Art Contemporain Group



Engineering Faculty, The university of Aen Shams


when dealing with the mysterious life of "Ibn Massouda"; History of art researcher will be choked by the number of the missing chapters of his life and his personal account, by the end of 50s era Massouda 's Participations in forming the modern Egyptian art had been demolished on purpose, maybe for being a Jew, in a time when War had the only voice to be heard, when all public minds circling around that node, no one could hear the whispers of the young artist "Massouda" while the shouting was so loud.
many documentary had been mad describe and study the revolution of Egyptian modern art, and the Egyptian art Pioneers in the 50s like; "Hammed Nada", "sammer Rafea", "Abdel Hadi al-gazzar" and "Kamel el-telmesany"; while they all were colleague to "Massouda", they work and study together form the same team, but no one pointed out " Massouda ", "Massouda" himself became just a repeated name, like he joined the group; in what manner ? none give an answer?- he became just a meanless name with no aim with no history like a ghost or an invisible artist, the fact that he was a Jewish artist also was lost, in the lack of trusted information about him, the only one good beginning to learn about him is to start from the artistic school he join and participate "the group of Modern art"-" Gamāet al-Fan al Moāser"-1945-1955, by tracing the history of that group we can built a personal accounts of "Massouda"

Main Subjects

أنور کامل: التطور)مجلة فنیة(: مطبعة اسکندر نخلة، -
القاهرة،الأعداد من ینایر 1940 سبتمبر - 1940 .
2 إیمیه آزار )ترجمة إدوارد الخراط، نعیم عطیة(: - -
التصویر الحدیث فى مصر؛ حتى عام 1961 ، المرکز
القومى للترجمة؛ ط 2 ، القاهرة 2009.
إیمیه آزار: مؤرخ و ناقد فنى فرنسى من أصل جزائرى
مهتم بالتوثیق الفنى لصعود تیار الحداثة فى مدرسة
التصویر والرسم المصریة و بعض المدارس الشرق
أوسطیة الأخرى، یعزى له الفضل الکبیر فى وضع أول و
أکبر مؤلفات کتبت جمیعها باللغة الفرنسیة عن حرکة
التصویر المصرى فى فترة الأربعینات والخمسینات؛
لاحقًا ترجمت أعمالة من الفرنسیة للعربیة و لغات أخرى
و شکلت اللبنة الأساسیة فى التأریخ لتلک الحقبة.
3 جریدة المصرى:عدد بتاریخ - 12 مایو من عام - 1948
4 کتیب المعرض الثانى لجماعة الفن المعاصر) - 1948 ؛)
مجموعة خاصة محفوظة لدى أسرة الفنان الراحل عبد
الهادى الجزار.
5 الکلیم: مقال بعنوان:"الفنان إبراهیم مسعودة"، العدد -
222 ، اول مارس 1955 .
6-Sam Bardouil: "Dirty London and Paris Surrealist Exhibtions of the 1930s and the Exhibtion Practices of Art and Liberty Group in Caairo",Dada/ Surrealism No.19,2013.
7-Samir Gharieb: "Surrealism in Egypt and Plastic Art", Prism Art Series3, Press 1986.