Modern trends of the image Layout Design on the Egyptian and foreign newspaper)Comparative analysis Study(


Assistant Professor, Department of Printing, Publishing and Packaging Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University


The image has a visual communication function, HI, and the same functions, which resist problems, such as conveying information, or what is called.
It also has a graphic function in terms of the image statue. The following main graphic elements are:
Share what you need to know about the material, the titles and the fasal, the physical structure of the handshake, whatever its shape and the way to produce it.
The image is usually a nucleus and contributes to stabilizing its corners, as it is a graphic transfer that dominates the hands of the handshake, and the direction of its movement
Assign the reader to specific paths on parts of the page. Despite the competition that newspapers find, it is a modern means of communication
The transmission of events and news in an immediate way, but the photograph remains a unique feature, which is its ability to freeze and record specific moments.
From the event.
Accordingly, this research paper sheds light on the modern trends in the output of the journalistic photo, Ali Al-Sahif.
Egyptian and foreign. It aims to analyze the methods of producing the image and its relationship to other graphic elements.
And comparing it with recent trends followed in some foreign newspapers to find out aspects of the agreement and differences between them.
The way it deals with the shoots of the Sawar according to its method, the way it is produced, its editing policies, and the typographical treatment of photographic images
And drawings in terms of: the choice of the image, its area, the pieces of the picture and its forms, the speech of the saurah, and the special effects of the image
Finally, the comic pages.
The study relies on the descriptive, analytical and comparative approaches.

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الصحف الیومیة: 
7. أعداد متفرقة من صحیفة أخبار الیوم " الیومیة
المصریة القومیة.
8. أعداد متفرقة من صحیفة " الوطن" الیومیة
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2: English Referances:
 Books:
9-Daryl Moen, Newspaper layout &
Design, a Team Approach - Fourth
10-Richard Hollis: Graphic Design,
Thames & Hudson world of art U.K
British library, 2001