The virtual picture for egyptian theater in the lighting of modern technology variables t


Lecturer at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts, Department of Decoration


The visible picture in its general concept is considered a simulation for the visible reality both
mentally and visually or it can be considered as a direct realization for the objectively outer
world in different ways such as embodiment , sense and vision . This definition applies for
the theatrical virtual picture which is the main subject of the research . the theatrical picture
is an expressing for the realism picture reaching the level of volume , area , color and this
means that the theatre is a diminutive picture for realism and life in which interrelated with
acoustic and visual mechanisms and these mechanisms are evolving day by day in parallel
with technology . This technological development has an effective role which enlarged the
human ability to produce more artistic creativity in addition to innovative arts which were not
existing before such as cinema art which is considered one of the creations of technology and
added new systems to display artistic shows such as television and computers where these
new systems assisted to discover new forms and portraits of beauty and this leads also to the
developing of new aesthetic values that were not existing through ancient civilizations and
earlier eras for which technology turn out to be a supplement for the visual appearance in
several artistic domains or fields . The research is directed to discuss the relation between
contemporary technology and theater figures in its final visual picture . Continually the
creativity in theater requires a lot of modern techniques which help the decoration and
lighting designer to achieve a modernized plastic vision comprising specific details starting
by architectural design for the stage , audience hall up to decoration and lighting technology .
Considering the worldwide level there has been a vast technological evolvement for theater
and which extremely contributed for the evolution of the artistic movement in addition to
inspiration to create new concepts to fulfill theatrical space using lighting and laser systems
and advanced mechanisms to change and interchange decoration . Consequently this
magnificent technology leads to giving a fake impression to the audience of the existing of a
decoration that is not existing in reality which is a huge forward step of theater arts . for the
importance of the subject , the researcher considered how the modern egyptian theater was
effected by the modern technology in both decoration and lighting . The research stated many
examples of modernized theatrical shows from which we can gain some conceptions that might be useful for modernized Egyptian theater

1. زکااى طلیمااات –کمااال الماالاخ – رشاادى اسااکندر,
خمسون سنة من الفن.
2. صبری عبد العزیز, الرؤیاة التشاکیلیة فاى عاروض
المسرح المصری المعاصر,الهیئة العامة للکتاب.
3. فاطمااة رشاادى کفاااحى فااى الساانیما و المساارح,دار
. المعارف 1971
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ج- الموقع الالیکترونی: