An analytical study of systems geometric motifs in Islamic art To discover aesthetic values and use them in interior design and contemporary furniture



Faculty of Applied Arts, Beni Suef University


Heritage Islamic form through the richness of its elements, motifs, and geometric systems source of inspiration for many designers, practitioners and Interested in interior design and furniture to develop the foundations of a design reflective of the cultural identity of the local character. and the most important characteristic of the Islamic art are geometrical motifs which have a set of aesthetic values. So the question here is whether behind the systems of geometric motifs religious thought and philosophy? And the second question is it possible to take advantage from systems of geometric motifs in the direction of creating a contemporary design in the field of interior design and furniture carries the cultural identity of the local character? The aim is to analyze aesthetic values in Islamic geometric motifs systems to be a source for finding the direction of contemporary design achieves compatibility between originality and creativity. And we can classified product design into two main directions , first direct copying from Heritage, and the second is symbolic Inspired and intangible heritage and this is based on the research of systematic trend, and then elicit concepts and infer mechanisms that fit and secreted stamp design a local line with the concepts and traditions and preserves the privacy of culture and civilization of the local environment, so by understanding the content of the heritage of the Islamic art and using The modern ores and technology, we can create a contemporary design in the field of interior design and furniture carries the cultural identity

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