The artistic communication on series of covers of children's books from 4 to 6 years (Applied descriptive study)


Lecturer, Department of Advertising, 6th of October University, College of Applied Arts


Communication is a life necessity that cannot be dispensed with in any society. If the connection is lost, civilizations will not emerge and will not appear.
The cultural features of any society, and it does not stop at the limit of communication between two or more persons, but rather extends to include different forms that are based on
All of them to clarify the meaning, idea and message concerned through the art of painting, architecture, music, poetry, and more
Arts 1, and the language of communication and plastic art communication is considered a universal language. In ancient Egypt, the art of communication was known, when it was discovered
Scholars of the French campaign, the Rosetta Stone in 1799 AD, they found three types of texts written in languages ​​(hieroglyphs)
Demotic and Greek (2), and it was understood from these texts that Ptolemy in 136 BC imposed some taxes, and thus we find that
The text written on the Rosetta Stone was translated into three languages ​​prevalent at that period of time to confirm the delivery of information to the most basic rule
. Of 3 recipients
Hence, the researcher finds that the one series of children's paper book covers, which we often find, shares a common artistic language
Connect them together, whether that language is expressed (by space, color, shape, word, or brand).
The tools of linking the one chain, and this is a kind of formation that is based on educating and entertaining the recipient (the child), including from
Excitement, suspense and attractiveness, and the characters, backgrounds, colors, writings and slogans it contains, which are important dramatic elements in
Designing a series of children's book covers, and a plot that stimulates the interest of the recipient of those books, that the child can experience and interact with.


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