The using of the textile remnants of Alpeshot and Gulf fur in makin uniforms equestrian of designs innovative New



Faculty of Specific Education, Tanta University, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University


Overcoming traditional ideas achieves the desired leap that suits the development of science and arts. It is the most important mean to move forward towards innovation and development of traditional ideas into new and creative ideas associated with experimenting in various materials. From this point, this research deals with the best use of technical and aesthetic resources of the remnants of Alpeshot and Gulf fur and its multiplicity in handling and forming ways. Thus contributes in a direct way in increasing the economic values of the remnants of textile and solving various problems that face textile factories. This research aims to reach through searching and trying to new entries to maximize the use of textile remnants of Alpeshot and Gulf fur factories in UAE as well as guiding those factories to develop their economic aspect through adapting the materials remnants to produce economic and useful products besides keeping continuity of important aspect of UAE folklore through new vision. New innovative designs of equestrian vests were made by using textile remnants from Alpeshot and Gulf fur also a questionnaire was made for these designs and presented to the specialists and trainees. The results were analyzed and represented graphically and the best proposed designs were produced

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