Derive formulas for Mdiol structural in nature as a source for enriching the arts postmodernism



Higher Institute of Applied Arts, 5th settlement


This paper deals with the study of new experimental approaches to enrich the decorative painting, which helps to get out of the traditional style of the networks to produce new formulations, which helps to formulate decorative paintings processors constructivism Msthdthlapetkar new design solutions in accordance with the nature of the theory of Almdiol unit building codes shape and used to build networks in accordance with the systems is accurate and it is art preparing coordinated based on the mathematics used to configure the creations of a design, and therein lies the problem of the research on how to take advantage of those theories, especially in the field of decorative design is evident in the works of artists postmodernism is determined by structural-based systems Almdiol source enriches the decorative painting artistic and aesthetic values and determined search to wonder question next is the possibility of drawing a new design formulations based on a system of structural theory (Almdiol) to create a new design for network solutions to enrich the decorative painting? So search Aalousol aims at a new entrance to contribute to the artistic values through constructivism to Mdiol formulas, presumably search the possibility of designer benefit from the production of formats and multiple solutions in the field of decorative design, and determined Ntihh Search draw a new design formulations based on a system of structural theory (Almdiol) to invent new design solutions for networks based on the unit proportional to enrich the field of design.

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