Mural design of studios TV programs between the contemporary and the preservation of the traditional identity


1 Teacher, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta

2 Designed in the specialized Nile channels sector


In light of the strong competition of different television channels and their openness to the world, interest in designing studios is a pillar
Important for each program, expressing its identity and promoting it, hence the idea of ​​creating a design for program studios' murals
TV with an Egyptian identity, inspired by the heritage of ancient Egyptian art and its rich design and semantic value.
Direct channels of cooperation between design and production units and various bodies in the country, especially those aiming to reach the community
Such as visual communication, as well as improving the means of cooperation between the fields of design and television production to reach quality standards
The importance of research also lies in the possibility of informing the recipient of the role of ancient Egyptian art and its impact on design directly and what it confirms
The intellectual and cultural references of the contemporary designer and his use of ancient Egyptian art symbols, such as decorative units, lines, or
Formal and other combinations and their deduction in contemporary design and achieving cultural integration and intellectual communication between the past
And present.
The research also aims to reveal the creative and aesthetic aspects of contemporary design, which derives its vocabulary and components from
Symbols of the units of ancient Egyptian art in a contemporary way, and retains its originality and intellectual and aesthetic connotations by employing this in murals
Television studios as a means of visual communication, in addition to showing the artistic relationship between designer and art.
Ancient Egyptian as a school of innumerable artistic and aesthetic creations, and the possibility of highlighting them in artistic style
The design and the effect of privacy and heritage identity when achieved in the murals of TV program studios because of its effect
Social and cultural to the recipient throughout.
The selection of the decorations of ancient Egyptian art came because of its simple decorative elements that indicate the ability of the Egyptian artist
In developing his art and innovation, and in view of the importance of communication between different societies, each with his own culture, it was found important to carry
The designs of the murals of the various television program studios are contemporary in shape, but derive its vocabulary and components from
Symbols of the units of ancient Egyptian art in order to bear the features of the heritage identity because of its effect on expressing our identity in all

1. د محسن عطیه التحلیل الجمالى للفن ،عالم
الکتب 2003 ص 17
2. محمد زکریا توفیق الحوار المتمدن-العدد:
17 المحور: دراسات / 2 / 2013 - 4006
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5. معجم الحضارة المصریة : تألیف / جورج بوزنر ،
ترجمة / أمین سلامة
6. الفن المصری القدیم : تألیف / سیریل ألدرید ،
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. التطبیقیة ، قسم الخزف ، جامعة حلوان 2012
شبکة الانترنت