Monitoring the phenomenon of movement art drawing on the body and its impact on society


. Lecturer at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts / 6th of October


Find ensure Decree (movement in the art of painting on the body), taking Find the importance of
the study and its objectives and its borders as well as the definitions of the terms contained in the
subject of school....
The theoretical framework of the study, which consists placed Movement: included
philosophically, scientifically and technically.. Aaharkh and time. And the researcher has
addressed it placed the movement..
The researcher asked the theme of the movement and its relationship to other elements of art
(Kkt trend shape, color and texture as well as the unit that verifies the relationship of these
elements combined).
Where is stirring in the art business goals and functional purpose by moving the eye and control
of all the artwork and verified in Chapter some relationships between the movement and the
other art elements. Cited researcher in the presentation of the results of the study, and reviewed
the most important connections made by the study, Fjata unrealized relationship with the line,
direction and color, shape and texture elements as well as the unit that built the relationship of
these elements together and then came after the presentation of the results Recommendations
included the first on a similar study placed time and space in artwork, and the second came to
study placed the unit in a work of art and its relationship to the part of the movement and the
other side of space ...
The study proposals have focused around the need for comparative study between the movement
in the dual and three-dimensional art ... and the possibility of using the results of this study and
to utilize them by researchers.

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