Morphology of the floral ornaments and Applied Design processes



The Higher Institute of Applied Arts, New Cairo, Fifth Settlement.


Decorative Morphology is of Applied Science branching of decorative design science. Means conformation stylistic, and deals with the form of decorative General for Natural and Engineering for decorative items, and aims to produce decorative designs and products Applied inspired by nature on a sound basis of technical and scientific point of view by the rules and methods of design, the study of the techniques used in the application. Morphology decoration associated with many of the Applied and other basic sciences, for example, aware of Plant morphology which, study the morphology of the plant in terms of body and structure without paying attention to the job. Where the morphology Decoration inspire from the plant body distinctive elements and the characteristics of its members (the form of leaves, flowers and cell and structural composition). The "morphology vegetal decoration" modern conceptual Old commonly used term, where the ancient architectural styles Egyptian include designs of environmental plant motifs, which were used in the beauty of temples and tombs, as varied environmental floral Islamic which, appeared in mosques, palaces, and excelled trappings of securitization as a way of uniquely my design in plant design and decorative elements. Begin design stages of the plant after determining the item you want to draw inspiration from it, and then altered to a decorative element repeatable, followed by the complete design by the design methods, ending with the stages of the application and use. Decoration morphology allows the production of decorative designs contemporary and applied products linked to architecture like fences & gates as well as inclusions interior architecture, design and application of those new technological ways.

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المراجع الاجنبیة
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مواقع الکترونیة
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