Printing textile designer to face challenge in the field of design



Faculty of Applied Arts, Bani Suef University, Egypt


Developments and rapid changes in the field of information systems and communications led to the evolution of the user culture that made him in need of every new in the field of design specially in the field of printing textile design, That made the designer in the face with new modern challenges such as the importance to achieve quick design process by Computer aided design, Although there are many kind of those programs but because of its high cost so it is available just in big factories and companies, that made the designer in need to replace it with another which could be available easily such as Photoshop program which considered as the most popular software in design field and because of the varieties of options specially those which are not common in the field of textile printing design
Hence the Study problem How to make use of the Action Option in the field of textile printing design to achieve many designs in lowest time
So The study significance is updating the options of Photoshop program possibilities to achieve the fastness of making the design requirements and giving a wide range of new designs in a record time and make an archival digital library for all the experiments of the ideas and designs to be apply again on new designs
The study Methodology is presenting and analyzing first : some of the main requires needed for the printing textile designer in the design process . And using Photoshop program in saving and re-calling the tasks .Second: Applying the option of Action in the field of textile printing design . Research results is achieving the main requires of textile pr inting design using extile designs matching the user needs.


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