Employ the golden ratio on the grid in the design of pictogram.



Faculty of Applied Arts, October 6 University - Applied Arts, Helwan University


The concept of the design and formulation within the geometry of the most important elements to attract the receiver to it, human enjoys a certain philosophy through good design to the selection of a pictogram what affect the attraction of the senses, which yields attracted the eye to the design of pictogram shown.
We have expanded the ranges and techniques of pictogram brand, which is one of the ranges that are related to many of the services provided directly to the audience in all parts of the world that it is one of the important ways that benefit the recipient when walking anywhere, whether internal or external, which helps to create a civilized atmosphere inside the place and making it easier to the visitor access to the desired location, depending on the designer, who has played an important role in the environment in which they live to meet their needs and safety risks. Technical foundations are an essential entity, which is one of the important elements needed by the designer at all stages going through during the design of pictogram, which include grid erection and golden ratio consecutive Fibonacci golden snail, which is considered one of the strongest factors that highlight the design and lead the acceptance or rejection of achieving the goal that the designer seeks to get permanently to make it easier for the recipient to deal with the public and the staff of the place. It is here lies the importance of this research in solving the problem of design of pictogram through a technical basis on which play an important role for the employment of engineering systems in the design of pictogram which owns mathematical and engineering characteristics and which are useful aesthetically pleasing to get to the good design to achieve optimum benefit in creating a successful pictogram.
This research aims to employ the technical foundations of thought and design in the design of pictogram through engineering systems.

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