Plant Morphology and Environmental Designing ( Back to Nature )


Assistant Lecturer, Department of Decoration, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, Arab Republic of Egypt


Journal of Applied Art and Science - International Periodical Scientific Peer Reviewed - Issued By Faculty of Applied Arts - DamiettaUniv. - Egypt
God has donated us a fascinating nature that is rich in various beautiful creatures such as
plants, animals and other living organisms. Man has to make good use of the aesthetics of nature
in his daily life by making aesthetic environmental useful designs. He resorts to the environment
where he can extract materials to produce such designs in order to embellish his surroundings or
to make the best use of these materials in his life which is called environmental designing.
Environmental designing is one of the integrated designing fields that maintains the
environment, and morphology is one of the most lively sciences that could inspire formation,
designing, and the creativity of the designing process.
Morphology is interested in formation i.e. the formative ,constructive, and functional structure of
living organisms or one of their organs or their cellular formation (i.e. cells & tissues).
Morphology, in other words, is a science that is interested in form, structure, and
characteristics of living organisms and their outer appearances. Living organisms inspire the
designer and evoke many designing ideas. Nature, with all the elements that it includes, has
always been an inspiration for the designer and provided him with designing ideas in the field of
art and architecture since ancient times. The ancient designer used the natural elements to
decorate the walls of his buildings, and the pillars and walls of his temples.
To conclude, Morphology is extremely important to environmental designing as it is based on
nature. This research will shed light upon one of the branches of this science i.e. Plant
Morphology. The researcher will demonstrate some samples of wild plants, and water plants that
have an aesthetic nature in form, build, and colour and show how a designer can make use of
them in the process of making environmental designing. Examples of the following different
applications could be produced: designing posters, murals, interior design & furniture, exterior
design, architectural facade, embellishment and decoration of squares, rest houses, public parks,
etc. decorations used in designing carpets, antiquities & jewelry.


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