Industrial Designer and Bio-Inspiration In view of Ethology



Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


The remarkable evolution in various fields of science and technology in the third millennium enabled the industrial designer to realize advanced concepts of nature, which lead him to apply unique innovations in various humanitarian requirements. Studying different kinds of science, and linking them with Industrial design will create a new ideas with a creative type, this research is connecting The study of animals behavior with industrial design and architecture by building the suitable knowledge about ethology (The study of animals behavior) and linking with designs by collecting a lot of applications that have used animal’s behavior in its design or working system whatever it was an old designs or a concept designs, some of these designs are in the field of industrial design and others are in the field of architecture.
Animals behavior not only help us in design, but also help us learn design, Thus the current research contains some animal behaviors that the designer should learn from.


Main Subjects

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6 ، 7 )
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آیات من القرآن الکریم،نقابة مصممی الفنون التطبیقیة؛
ص 114 ، 115 ، 116 ؛ تاریخ النشر 2002 )صفحة 115 )
( 3 ( هارون یحی التصمیم فی الطبیعة، ترجمة أورخان
محمد علی، 2003 )صفحة 99
4 ( أمل یاقوت عبده العزبی، العلاقة التفاعلیة بین
الإیکومیمیکری والتصمیم الصناعی، رسالة دکتوراة فی
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2014 )صفحة 30 )
المراجع باللغة الإنجلیزیة
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