Digital Techniques are Involved in and Support the Design Process



Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


The study aims to reveal the phenomenon of Digital Techniques and show how they are involved in and support certain stages of the design process. The word "involve" does not mean that all the techniques used in the design process are digital. In fact, there are other manual or analog methods. The analytical descriptive approach is adopted here. It is evident through previous studies that there are design stages where the designer is compelled to use Analog Methods while in other stages he is obliged to use Digital Techniques. Some other stages combine both Digital Techniques and Analog Methods. On the philosophical side, the study reveals how Digital Techniques are involved in product design, and proves that both Digital Techniques and analog methods are necessary for the design process. It further gives free reign to the designers to use Analog Methods. Digital Techniques support design process in certain stages in the following aspects:
● Imagination and conception are converted to reality, and there emerged new designs that did not exist before ● Quantitative production ● Obliteration of the thought of poverty ●
Designers should not dispense with the "Analog Methods" as they are the original tools in design process while acquiring the skills of "Digital Techniques" which currently stand as the language of manufacturing ● Analog Methods should be used in the initial stages of design because they need creativity. Digital techniques are used in the final stages where creativity is not needed. Keywords Guide: Digital Techniques ،Analog Methods ،Design Process.

Main Subjects

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