Recruitment Study of Subliminal Implication in poster design


1 Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Applied Arts, Advertising Department, Damietta University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Advertising Damietta University


It is scary world, if Advertisers can Recruitment diabolical techniques to avoid the conscious
mind of the recipient and transmit the subliminal commands directly to the unconscious
mind, The basis of Subliminal Implication design is to effect the subconscious mind of the
recipient, It affects beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and values of the recipient easily positively
or negatively, by avoiding the conscious mind and leaving an imprint directly in the
unconscious mind, By Images and symbols included, that imprint which conscious mind
retrieve when the recipient makes the decision to purchase, to help him preference one
product over another, Each subliminal message Orientated to the unconscious mind, leaving a
unique and clear imprint in the mind of the recipient, helps him to distinguish that product
from other.
poster in its expression of the idea, depends on simple and condense form in each part of it,
Posters tolerate the purport of promotion of a commodity or a product, which have a
significant impact on the recipient through, attracting his attention, poster is a way of
communication used to transfer, exchange ideas and meanings through visual forms that can
be manipulated.
Hence the need for the study is to clarify the nature and importance of Subliminal
Implication, and how advertisers can control the unconscious mind of the recipient, to
manipulate his recognition of the visual elements and symbols which are subliminally
included to achieve selling goals, by identifying the way that recipient understand the
meaning of Subliminal Implication in poster design, And the range of his awareness of the
presence of the Subliminal Implication, and his understanding to the importance of its role in
manipulating the recipient Purchasing decisions and the formation of his Intellectual trends.


Main Subjects

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