Logo Design Psychology and its impact on the receiver


1 Professor of Design, Department of Advertising Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University -

2 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Graphic and Advertising Arts At the Higher Institute of Applied Arts - October-


Brand design is one of the most important things that depend on the user, so work to improve the feeling that comes to the same
The user when looking at the designed brand and that the brand is designed in a more clear and distinctive style
At the user.
Researching the additional attributes, elements, and meanings that might make the brand successful, as well as delve into this
Research gives the user the ability to read these meanings within your brand, and because of all possible traits and elements
For a brand that is nearly countless, the search searches three of the most popular elements: color, shape, and font.

Main Subjects

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(12) Ayaz malik, influencing the reader’s
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