Photo as a source of innovation creative artistic designs for modern textile suspensions



The Higher Institute of Applied Arts / 6th of October City


Photography is the most important inventions of the nineteenth century the undisputed So
you can imagine a world without photos, A photography in this day an integral part of our
lives. We are surrounded by photographs of all sides
Using " camera " to register views and shapes which affect the designer deeply and
appreciated by him , could be abstracted and help to be used in getting different design styles
The photo forms The window and mirror at the same time, since it reveal about our lives and
reflect and embody our vision of the world as the perception of the worlds behind Vision.
Defies photography in time and place it captures the present and keeps the past. So that he
can make the invisible visible by showing the naked eye what is high-speed, long-range or
too small The photo has many meanings, it may be the memory of a family or a masterpiece
or scientific record, directory, or a useful tool or a historical document and photography
contains many species and through the art of photography is an art of abstract photography
and other words : capturing photo in a certain way raise questions in the mind of the recipient
and is not necessary that the image shows an idea and concept or to Be meaningful and clear
and readable for the recipient, but that opens endless scenarios in the imagination of the
viewer Making it a source of renewable fertile sources of innovation and inspiration of
modern textile designs After using computer programs such as Photoshop and illustrator to
make artistic effects, adding artistic and aesthetic value to the design and reduce colors and
spaces to be suitable for weaving as modern textile suspensions .

Main Subjects

1. سامی حسین عبد الباقی: الکمبیوتر فی صناعة
المنسوجات. الطبعة الأولى
2. سحر التصویر - فن وأعلام من تألیف د .عبد الباسط
سلمان الدار الثقافیة للنشر – القاهرة – مصر
. ف.ه نورتن ، الخزفیات للفنان ، ترجمة سعید
سید الصدر ومراجعة عبد الحمید البحیری )القاهرة
) : دار النهضة العربیة ، 19٦5
4. هانی عبده قتایة- الاستفادة من الزخارف الشعبیة
لبعض قرى محافظة الدقهلیة للحصول على
تصمیمات مبتکرة یمکن تنفیذها کمعلقات نسیجة -
رسالة ماجستیر – کلیة الفنون التطبیقیة-جامعة
حلوان-القاهرة - 1995
التصمیم . 5
التصویر . 6 /
محاضرة بجامعة الملک فیصل بالإحساء . 7
8. Bradshaw Christopher , Design ( First
Edition: London : Studio Vista
Limited , 1970)