The Sustainability concept between Philosophy and Application in furniture design



Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University College of Applied Arts - October 6 University


Every designer depends on achieving creative values on the formation of the language of
design-based vocabulary to reformulate the vocabulary of different design elements in
modern and contemporary way investigating several principles is the most important
development through inspiration in dealing with the features of identity on the basis that it
features an intellectual, not the elements and vocabulary rigid, so liberated from being
product material. Furniture design is also a multi-faceted profession applies innovative
technology solutions in the context of a specific structure to develop a successful
environment so that these designs are characterized by being functional and improving the
quality of life and its beauty.
Sustainability is the most important of these principles and that activating the principles of
design thinking to the vocabulary and elements of the environment, considering that the
principles of design-related and stems from the thought process in the design, giving them
intellectual spaces of infinite resolve every design problem in accordance with the needs and
environmental dimensions and cultural and social for each design.
Therefore, this research is an attempt to find the application of the concept of sustainability
and design thinking in the field of furniture design through a multi-dimensional design is to
combine the advantages of both rooting and contemporary and not separately one over the
other in order to achieve creative values in the formulation of furniture.

Main Subjects

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المراجع الأجنبیة :
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9-Danial E.williams,FAIA,Sustainable
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مواقع الأنترنت:
10- ( 1-2014 / فلسفة )
11- ( 1- / فلسفة معاصرة
12- ( 12-2014 / فکر )