The Impact Of The Image Production Techniques And Its Simology on the Design and Communication Language Of The Photographic Media Image


Instructor at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts, Department of Photography, Film and Television, Fifth Settlement


Photograph is considered one of the important stimulants that has a great effect on the
recipient as media experts said that photo is visual sentence useful documentary or
creative or both written optically as visual text by using optical language read by all people
without exception as it comes over other languages limits and cultures barriers as it is a
universal alphabet that eye read without mediator. It doesn’t need language assistance to
reach recipient recognition as it is a complete letter that has all constituents of the great effect
on its recipients and it eliminates hours of talk because it makes people free. It reflects life
and events truthfully. It permits us to participate in others hopes and frustration and it refers
to social and political situations. It makes us eyewitness on people humanity and their bad
sides. This in the media photography field especially in press photo which is important in
communication process to reader and this is the knowledge method for most people. Press
photo becomes news maker and it has the upper hand on words because it has a great position
as a media tool. Good press photo provides accompanying text with meanings and indicators
that words can’t describe by its signs, data and details and it completes event or story that we
read as we were in it, and it doesn’t repeat what text say. Nowadays photograph techniques
become several, difference in techniques affects press photograph design giving different
meanings and indicators from technique to another that affects communication language.
Some people use these techniques to achieve their aims to persuade recipient with lies and
misguide him which cause public opinion change or make a type of anarchy or Whispering to
people. Signs can be used to transfer information in indirect form to give a type of true
conviction not vision only or to give incorrect indicators. This search aims to study the effect
of photograph techniques on media photograph design and communication language

Main Subjects

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