Sustainable Design of the architectural spaces in the modern technological revolution


Instructor at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts - Fifth Settlement


In light of what is now we live from a holistic evolution reached when technology brighter
ages in terms of progress and idealism, and recognize the designer to the elements of this era
and its association with him became uncertain one cannot be ignored, and because of the
ability of the technology to deal with the different vocabulary of design in all its aspects need
it , it has prevailed in its effects on various areas of life, and with the emergence of various
trends in the environmental design of urban environmental design and environmental trends
in architecture and the subsequent different directions to address the architectural spaces in a
manner consistent with the general thrust of the environmental design of the new
environmental thought and control of the design process in light of the terminology areas
traded such as sustainability and green architecture, the world began to recognize the close
link between economic development and the environment, has alerted specialists that
traditional forms of economic development is limited to over-exploitation of natural
resources and at the same time cause a lot of pressure on the environment as a result of what
is produced from pollutants and waste Dharh.alta know the (Sustainable Development) hence
the concept of sustainable development as "meeting the needs of current generations without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". The paid most of
the world in the last decade of the last century, special care and attention to broad themes of
environmental protection and sustainable development, have been born this interest in a
vacuum was loud environmental voices decrease the environmental impacts of various
human activities and called for reducing waste and pollution and conserving natural resources
for future generations base .
Sustainable development is not confined only to the urban trend or architectural theories, but
also the principle of the duty to pay attention to him through the various design processes
spaces architectural interior and
exterior, including constitutes integrated in the aspects of thinking and a link to Siqa theories
design of the surrounding environment, and the threat that add to the value of design in the
integration with environment, including the magnitude of the environmental ores became
impose itself in isolation from the ores and trends of other harmful to the environment, and
then adopt what might we call the green direction to address and Beauty architectural space.

Main Subjects

1 شریف عبد المنعم ابراهیم ، "اهمیة اعتبارات الطاقة
والبیئة فی تصمیم المبانی الشمسیة السالبة" ، رسالة
دکتوراه ، کلیة الهندسة ، جامعة عین شمس ، 2٠٠2
-2 محمد مصطفى محمد الخیاط ، ماجد کرم الدین محمود
"سیاسات الطاقة المتجددة اقلیمیا وعالمیا" 2٠٠9
-3 ساجدة کاظم الکندی " أثر الاستدامة والتنظیم الفضائی لوحدة
الجیرة فی البیئة السکنیة" ، مجلة الهندسة عدد 2 ، مجلد 18 ، شباط
. 2٠12
مها صباح الزبیدی، الاستدامة البیئیة فی تشکیل
التجمعات الاسکانیة فی العراق،رسالة دکتوراه ، کلیة
. الهندسة قسم الهندسة المعماریة،جامعة بغداد، 2٠٠٦
Millennium,Australian CPA,Vol.69.