Applying the Outdoors advertising on buildings in order to achieve Aesthetic and Functional values



Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


Various buildings are considered as design elements that overlap and intertwine, and
recognize visual landscape of the city is through visual images are subject to different
formations of the values derived from the aesthetics of urbanization along with the functional
values, social, and cultural well.
In recent times the world has witnessed a remarkable development in the field of outdoor
advertising because of its ability to attract the attention of passers-by, especially ads that
designed on the facades of the buildings due to the large size and the possibility of seeing
from a distance, but we see most often is random and chaotic, which leads to a distortion of
both the Declaration and the interface and the loss of each job. Egyptian cities are suffering
now from visual and audio and environmental pollutionand, and deterioration of its
environment Urban, resulting in deformities and encroachments on buildings, streets and
sidewalks even longer distortions lot of buildings with distinctive architectural and historical
Therefore it was necessary to shed light on how to take advantage of outdoor advertising on
the facades of buildings in a scientific and systematic in order to put some foundations and
criteria for a logical design for all processors and details of continuity until the overall
creativity and achieved based on the harmony of different elements as a whole.

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-5 منى سعید الحدیدى وسلوى إمام على: الإعلان أسسه
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المراجع الأجنبیة :
6- Creating effective out of home
advertising – Outdoor advertising
association of America – 2009.
7- Creativity on display – Ooh’s creative
power - Outdoor advertising association of
America – 2013.
8- Transport Corridor - Outdoor
Advertising Signage Guidelines July 2007.
مواقع الإنترنت:
11- www.
12- www.