Bundled Glass units as a feature of the identity of the Egyptian contemporary architectural facades


Instructor at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts - Academy of Art and Design, 6th of October


It was of technological progress a major impact in the creation of new types of glass help the
architect to achieve his desire to design the beautification of the walls and murals , The recent
period has seen significant progress In architecture, the most important environmental
architecture, which caused mutation in the use of environmental and modern materials with
advanced technology used in architecture, internally and externally ; the appearance multiple
materials with distinctive characteristics .. such as glass and glass units collected and other
transparent materials that play a solo role distinct in terms of transparency and opacity and
color qualities of durability and hardness and mechanical properties and special treatments
that can be added and connecting home abroad , therefore they could be the severity of the
glass of the most important materials used in modern architecture ,
And can be used in the design of the facades of architectural interior and exterior architecture
and take advantage of these consolidated units in the facades and murals that increase the
beauty of the building for the production of architecture with innovative designs with a
distinctive value and aesthetic attributes that suitable for the character of the eastern Egyptian
and commensurate with the current evolution of architecture Hence the research problem .

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