The aesthetics of black and white advertising design In the era of dazzling color scheme


Instructor at the International Academy of Engineering and Media Sciences - Department of Advertising Production


The advertising began black & white then it developes by the existing of color as an
important factor in its design and successively the colors developed by the development of
printing and digital technology that it became more complex and fascinating. However, the
black & white advertising continued presence in all countries of the world with its technical
and technological development.That which beckon the researcher to the necessity of
searching about how is the continuty of the phenomenon of black & white advertising amid
the momentum of the colorful ads, that the color in advertising design is one of the most
important design steps because it is capable to deliver the messages and objectives of design.
The black & white are two colors which are compatible and contradictory in the same time,
that white is in contrast to black, and they contradicting in all of the composition and
meanings and connotations , and they compatible in their merging and in the goal for which
they are using in advertising design. And the black & white advertising design may by with
the outright contradistinction between them, or by their presence in the advertising as
Gradients that the advertising appears gray. And this contradictory combination in the two
colors attracted a lot of the advertisment designers to achieve a double attraction to the
advertising design where attrition and harmony aesthetically and functionally in between
creativity and interestingness.That is black & white is an ancient art with a several techniques
and usually ads are expressive and purposeful by using them, that the lines soften and
interfere and bend on each black in harmony which lending the spirit of elegance and pride
on the advertising. Also the black & white advertising multiple in its goals that the presence
of the two colors may take a part of the advertising to express the situation before using the
product, or the goal may be performing a symbolic functions with playing on human instincts
as sexual gratification or instinct intimidation or own love or curiosity. While the goal may be
other times attract attention amid this momentum of colorful ads or to stimulate interest
depending on the variance and antagonism.

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