Fear Stimulation as creative inspired emotion of live creatures in the field of Industrial Design


Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design / College of Applied Arts / Helwan University


The research aims at establishing new vision of the relation between Nature inspiration and
Ethology that through adding fear stimulation as a new behavior to the traditional group of
animal behaviors. Emotional aspect (Feeling) didn’t have adequate attention except
“Courting” and “Nurturing” behaviors while Cognitive aspect (Thinking) and performance
aspect (Doing) got huge coverage.
The analytical studies clarified that the Human Bing inspired some live creature’s behaviors
which stimulate fear and utilize this inspirations in some daily-life applications; these
applications represented the importance of organizing this behavior, and integrating it in with
existing knowledge of animal behavior as an addition to the Ethology discipline. So it could
be inspired more efficiently and successfully.
On the philosophical aspects, the research identified the most important features of animal
behavior for stimulating fear feelings in his enemies to protect himself & his offspring and
also his property. These features organized as group of patterns of fear stimulation behavior
as general laws could be applied on human artifacts inspiration.
On the procedural aspects, an animal behavior database has been established to clarify that
fear stimulation behavior not classified as animal behavior. Fear stimulation behavior
organized in group of 14 different patterns. Group of examples of each pattern recorded and
presented to visualize its specific characteristics for the validity of research result and to be a
visual reference gallery can help industrial designers as a unique source of inspiration.

سابعآ: المراجع
أ – الکتب العربیة:
-1 عامر صالح – العددوان عندد الإنسدان والحیدوان فدی علدم
السیکولوجی المقارن – الحوار المتمدن- العدد
3692 – المحددددور: الفلسددددفة ,علددددم الددددنفس , وعلددددم
الاجتماع - 2012 م.
-2 عبدددد اللطیدددف کددداظم معدددالیقی- دراسدددة التصدددرفات عندددد
الحیوان مدخل إلى سیکولوجیة الحیوان – شرکة
المطبوعات للتوزیع والنشر – 1994 م.
ب – المواقع الالکترونیة :
paints-concept-airplanes-inspired dinosaurs-
feared-ground-attack-planes-strike militant-