Take advantage of modern art trends to design contemporary applied product


Instructor at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts, New Cairo for Science and Arts, Fifth Settlement Decoration department


Each trend has got an intellectual philosophy is based on a specific vision for the existence of
life and man, no longer an artist of the twentieth century is seen to perfection and simulation
imposed by past civilizations Greek and Romanian, but freedom from the natural shape and
move to a wider world, of human thought, free from the shape restrictions; from these
fauvism & cubism and abstract trends
Those trends characterized by design thinking and innovation in visual morphology,
provided new aesthetic values of the new reality, as well as fluency in production and
simplicity of expression.
Can take advantage of the design thought to those of modern art trends to design modern
applied products, age-related technology, which can be implemented or developed. These
include murals products, toys & functional murals, & fashion products.
The Applied product aims to developing taste and sense of beauty, the arts subscribe in the
development of societies, as the Islamic Arts did in making beauty lifestyle and general

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3( نعمت إسماعیل : "فنون الغرب فی العصر
. الحدیث "، دار المعارف ،القاهرة ، 198٦
4( محسن محمد عطیة : الفن والحیاة الاجتماعیة ،
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المراجع الاجنبیة
5) Otto C. Ocvirk,Others ; Art
Fundamentals Theory and practice ,School
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Publishers.Iowa,USA, 1981.
مراجع من شبکة المعلومات الدولیة
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