Development of new technical standards using the Anamorphics arts and employed it in the design of innovative ideas in the external roads ads (Outdoors ads)


Instructor at the International Academy of Engineering and Information Sciences - 6th of October City


The streets are characterized in most of the Arab countries to poor planning and organization ,
and noise and garbage bags lying all over the place ,and sometimes both, but away from this
bleak picture is located in the most advanced countries of many creative artists who look to
these streets completely different perspective ,where they see paintings giant out where their
creations known as the art of painting in the streets ,a contriver from one of the types of art
called Art( Anamorfics art ,)took advantage of a lot of designers enormous capacity
anamorfics art to launch an advertising ideas is characterized by freedom of thought ,which
helps to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the imagination advertising and
development ,or improve ,or create a new intellectual configurations.
Where is Anamorfics art mediator between the internal needs expressed by the beauty and
importance of art and science that achieves the goals set artist and I have paid abroad, a new
style and innovative and unconventional.
The use of Anamorfics art in the ad hit of creativity such as inventions and scientific
discoveries and innovative and inherent behavior renewal and human relations, where the
creativity in Anamorfics art human activity characterized by awareness, in a particular area
towards a particular goal ,is surpassed the goals of deeper and originality and usefulness, and
is Anamorfics art distinctive arts of human activities, where he blends the science of art ,and
the consequent production of this new and authentic and Tarif, fits adapt to the environment,
society and culture process, when you see art Anamorfics as a whole sees it is pursuant
unique in being the product of creativity involuntary deep, have been thinking about it very
deeply and underwent the details of the operations of multiple account ,and although the
bodies of overlapping lines appear in the non-visible system ,the limited vacuum in which the
arbitrator system calculated which met prevents exaggeration, and logic governs the chaos,
and intelligence in the design draws on the details of passion and emotion ,also subject to
give shape to a classic work beyond the limits of classical through exaggerated expression of
emotion and forms.

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2- Written by RAFT Education Department
Copyright 2011, RAFT Anamorphic Art
activity by Don Rathjen.
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