The study of cultural and civilizational heritage and its impact on Islamic architecture and interior design, "Saray Palace Peninsula - Omar "Khayyam Hotel - Cairo Marriott


Lecturer at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts, October 6


One of the biggest hotels in Cairo is 'Cairo Marriot' which was originally built as 'Sarai
Aljazeera Palace' by Khedive Ismael in 1864.
In 1864, the construction of 'Sarai Aljazeera Palace had commenced and supervised by the
German architect 'Julius Franz Pasha' in commemoration of Islamic architectural beauty and
also to innovate ornamentations for contemporary architecture. Only because we have such
artistic and architectural enrichment in our cultural heritage that are used in both functional
and artistic aspects therefore renovating Islamic style in 19th Century Cairo. Many princes
and pashas of Muhammad Ali's dynasty made sure that their houses are kept as much as
possible in Islamic architectural style. Being admired by local Islamic style, many foreign
architects designed the new contemporary Islamic style. We can only assume that the real
Islamic residence and architecture had lost its identity being designed by foreign architects at
the beginning of the 19th century during the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha in Egypt.

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